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For those looking to get your CCW we were advised today that the State Police were not ready for this to happen. They are working on the new forms. Do Not use the old forms that are currently online. The new forms should be ready in about two weeks. We will be notified as soon as they are ready. Also we are waiting for the requirements for shooting.

No one knows yet what the requirements will be.

You will be required to qualify with the firearm(s) you plan to carry. You will also need to have ammunition for this firearm.

To make this easier on everyone as we have an abundance of inquires we will be doing a few different options.

The normal NRA Course is 8 hours. We will be doing an online evening course for 4-5 hours. This will take care of the classroom work. We will then meet for the shooting qualifications.

Another option will be to complete the blended NRA program which is self paced online and then meet with us for the in-person shooting and qualifications.

With our courses we do give the Florida Non-Resident Conceal Carry Paperwork.

If you are interested in a class please contact us at

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